
Making the Most of a Rainy Day

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I'm not sure what the weather is like where you are today, but while I'm writing this, it is a wet, cloudy, warm day in South Carolina. (Remember that I wrote this just before Christmas on a different day than this post appears!) I'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop looking out on one of my favorite places downtown. Despite the dreariness, I see a jogger and people walking, still enjoying being outside. I even noticed some trees staring to bloom...which surprised me since it was December at the time.)

Sometimes I like days like today. I wouldn't want them all the time, but there's something peaceful and even cozy...like the day is giving you permission to stay inside where it's warm, or have a hot cup of coffee, or not have to work in the yard, etc.

So often we complain about the weather, but it is what it is. Why not just embrace it and find something enjoyable about it each day?

Today's photo is one I took that morning.

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