
Christmas Eve!

For Christmas Eve through New Year's Day, HOPE Hints will take a brief sabbatical from text content and instead share several inspiring pictures related to the word HOPE along with several verses reminding us of where our true hope lies, as we celebrate the birth of the only One who can give everlasting hope. We are thankful for Bible Gateway as a resource to find verses.

Thank you also for reading our blog. We look forward to providing continued encouragement in 2012.

...through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2


Whom Cares? By Brenda B. Covert

I hope that headline bothered you! It was my attempt to prove that mistakes are big attention-getters. Unfortunately, that’s the wrong kind of attention for your letters, memos, and reports to receive. If you’ve been stumped by the use of “who” and “whom,” consider this: “Who” is a pronoun that takes the place of the subject. “Whom” is the objective case of “who” and is always the object of the verb or the preposition.


Who is responsible for updating our website? I wonder who will be awarded as Employee of the Month?
You gave the award to whom? “Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” ~John Donne

If you ever find yourself in a quandary over which word to use, try a pronoun substitution. Test your choice by replacing “who” with “he.” Your question will become a statement, as in He is responsible, or He will be awarded as Employee of the Month.

If the sentence sounds odd, such as, You gave the award to he, and the objective pronoun “him” would make it sound better, you’ll know that “whom” is the right choice.

Who cares? Anyone who values professionalism!


Fridge Frenzy

It's very common for staff members to forget they have put food/leftovers in the break room refrigerator. An easy fix? Make it a standard practice that all non-labeled food will automatically be discarded on Friday afternoons, and even food that is labeled but looks old or unsafe will be discarded as well. As your staff gets accustomed to the "every Friday" policy, they will change their habits or lose out. Either way, the refrigerator stays clean. Assign a staff member to the job or set up a rotation schedule.


Keep it Readable

PowerPoint tip: Don't use a font smaller than 18 points on any slide, and don't put more than six lines. Remember your audience has to be able to see it! (Thanks to Debora K. Thurston for the tips.)


5 Minute Challenge

Feeling overwhelmed by a messy home? Don't know where to start? Try the 5  Minute Challenge. Set a timer for 5 minutes and stay in ONE room. (That is KEY.) You'll be amazed at what you can straighten and pick up. If you find items for another room, put those items near the door but do NOT leave the room. When the timer goes off, put those other items away. Then decide if you want to do this again in another room. You'll find that a focused, but quick run through of the main living areas, will perk up the home in very little time, and perhaps even motivate you to do more thorough projects!


Stolen on Saturday: From our Break Time Bible Study Blog

"Celebrate good times, c'mon!" Remember that song? You almost can't help but want to get up and clap and dance to it. What are some other situations that provoke celebration?

Your child's Little League team wins the tournament.

Your team finished a big project at work.

Your son marries a wonderful girl.

Your husband got a promotion.

Your mission trip team made a difference in another city or country.

You pulled off a surprise birthday party.

Your favorite NASCAR driver wins the championship...again. Well, maybe. (Yes, I like Jimmie Johnson but I think it's about time for another driver to de-throne him. Don't tell my husband!)

Your team gets the winning touchdown!

A friend you haven't seen in a long time is arriving today for a visit.

I bet you could easily add to this list. God worked into us the love of celebrating and having fun with life! Life is not always fun...but God is always worth celebrating.

The Psalms give us several means to celebrate God. This week, take a look at the following Psalms and consider what the writer is celebrating: Psalm 19, 43, 100, 112, 119.

Do you get at least as excited by God as you do by the above situations? (oops...that could be considered a Jesus Juke...)

Here's to celebrating God and life today!