
Saturday Spotlight: What HOPE Can Do for You

Thanks for reading HOPE Hints! Did you know we can serve you in other ways? Here are just a few of the services we offer.

For seminars, we work with the sponsoring organization to develop an event within your budget.

You can also help HOPE at no cost to you by shopping at Amazon through our links page first!

Contact us for details!


Friday Fun: Criticism

It's 11-11-11 and this posted at 11:11am. :)

Before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. That 

way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their 


Original source unknown. Found in Christian Comedy Central Facebook group.


Easy Menu Planning

Plan a month's worth of menus and repeat the list every month, making modifications here and there for variety. Or, if you want someone else to do the planning (including providing a grocery list!) enroll in a service such as E-mealz. When you click on the banner below, you help HOPE at the same time!

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!


Travel Tip

Travel regularly? Keep a separate set of travel clothes and personal items packed. When you return from a trip, launder or replenish and pack right back into the suitcase so you don't have to start from scratch for every trip. It's worth the cost of purchasing a few duplicate items to save the stress of packing from a large list every time you go away.


2 Years? or Two Years?

"Two years" is correct. Numbers under 10 are generally to be written out rather than using the numeral itself.

Recharge with Peppermint

Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University suggest that a whiff of peppermint can diminish feelings of fatigue and increase alertness. One of those nice little peppermint inhalers could be a useful addition to your office supplies. (GH)


A Three Piece Way to Organize Your Desktop

Keep the surface of your desktop clear of clutter with this simple arrangement for sorting and storing work to be done, using three pieces of common office equipment.

Piece 1: Have an "in" tray for items that need quick attention or to be sorted. Train your co-workers to know that is the place to put mail or new items.

Piece 2: Have an "out" tray for items that need to be delivered to other parts of the office. Pick these up on your way out the door.

Piece 3: Get a stand and upright folders to hold items needed for regular tasks, such as data entry, filing, shredding, posting, a project in process, etc. Choose attractive folders as you will be looking at them a lot. You may want to color code them if colors match particular tasks or urgencies.

By keeping these items separate but visible, you can quickly grab something to do next without it becoming too overwhelming, and can batch tasks together.

I already have this plan in place at my part time job.  (See the photo.) Now I may need to implement it at my home office! (I'm missing the upright folders part, but truthfully, work through my in-box pretty quickly so may not need the folders at home.)

How do you keep your desktop organized?


Sabbath Sunday

A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. 

Psalm 127:1