Another good service for this is Micropoll.
Survey Tools
Another good service for this is Micropoll.
Funny Friday
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
Question: Do you favor social media more than engaging with those who you cross paths with IRL (in real life?) Why or why not?
Make a Bullet Point
- Where will the event be held?
- What time does it start?
- How much does it cost?
- How do I sign up?
Give Yourself a Good Soak!
During this hot season, plants need extra water. Do you find your flowers and vegetables drooping? It's amazing what happens within a few hours after giving them a good soak. They often will perk up to their original beauty.
This applies to us, too. The demands of life, work, relationships, expectations and other things can become very draining physically, emotionally and spiritually. It's important to "give ourselves a good soak" on a regular basis so that we can be strengthened to do life well. You can soak by quiet time, a change of pace, spending a day at a unique place like a waterpark or museum, getting out with friends, running through a sprinkler...any number of activities (or non-activity) that you find refreshing, including a soak in the tub.
It is not selfish to give yourself a good soak. In fact, for the sake of your health, your relationships, and your job (either employed or in the home) it is vital you take this time. You do no one any favors by sacrificing time to re-charge. God did. Jesus did. Follow that example.
Question: How do you "soak" and recharge?