Here are a few technology terms that you may not be as familiar with as with others:
RTF file: You normally save Microsoft Word documents a .doc files, but Rich Text Format is a similar format that can be read by other software products. It preserves text forming such as size and color. One interesting use for RFT format is to help if you have a damaged or unreadable word document. Before you throw in the towel with a document that suddenly starts acting odd, trying doing "save as" and select RTF format. Then you can close the document, re-open it, and see if the problem has been eliminated.
USB: Universal Serial Bus is a common form of computer port that is used to connect keyboards, mice, printers, scanners, removable drives, etc. It is a small rectangular connection, usually found on the back of the computer processing unit. Some newer units have placed it on the front, something that should have been thought of long ago!
WIKI: this is a web site where many users can add and update information. The challenges is that information added by one user can be changed or deleted by other users. The word comes from the Hawaiian term for "super fast." is probably the most well-known example.
URL: Uniform Resource Locator and is the address of a specific Web site or file on the Internet. A URL cannot have spaces or certain other characters and uses forward slashes (/) to denote different directories.
Our thanks to Debora K. Thurston, CPS, SPHR for this information.