Does your company ask you to carry a credit card? Some employees are reluctant to do so, and that is understandable. Here are some questions to ask your accounting department before accepting the responsibility of a company credit card.
Am I personally liable for the charges on this card? (Hopefully this won't happen, but if your organization has a cash flow issue one month, will you be liable for the charges? Check this particularly if your actual name is embedded on the card. Likely, if you didn't fill out a personal application, you probably don't have to worry, but ask anyway.)
What is the limit to what I can spend and how I can use this card for? Be very clear about why you have the card in the first place.
How do I handle receipts? Be timely and reliable in working with the accounting department about this.
Can I get reimbursed instead? You may feel more comforable using your own money and requesting reimbursement. Just be sure the company is financially reliable before you spend much of your own money on expenses.
Is a debit card an option? Some companies can and do survive without use of a credit card. Again, it's worth asking.
Could I just use a card at the office and keep it in a safe otherwise? For several expenditures, such as online orders or travel reservations/ticket purchases, you could make those arrangements in the office and only use your own card for minor expenses that could then get reimbursed.
There are conveniences to having/using a company credit card that doesn't involve your own finances. But ask questions before you agree to carry one, particularly if your name will be on the card.
Question: Do you carry a company credit or debit card? How do you feel about it?