
Quiet Time Places

Reserve certain spaces in your home for quiet times. You will begin to associate those spaces with meaningful times with God and may find yourself drawn there regularly.


Do it for the Lord!

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Col. 3:17 NKJV

This includes organizing your home!


Prayer Walk

A prayer walk through your home is a great way to re-order your mindset in regard to taking care of it. Pray through each room for the people and projects that occupy it.


Time to Bring in the Hints!

After a brief sabbatical, I'm resurrecting HOPE Hints on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday publishing schedule (with occasional flexibility.)

Throughout the summer, the hints and thoughts will come directly from our new book, Organizing from the Heart: Change Your Mindset, Conquer Your Challenges.

Currently an online group is going through the book as a study, and these posts will complement that experience. Although e-mail groups are closed, if you own a copy of the book, you can request to be part of the private Facebook group any time.

The book can be ordered through the corresponding blog here.