
Losing Things, But Not Our Minds

Note: this is a reprint from my Organizing Hope blog. I have again misplaced the Bluetooth headset and found it again. My husband is now using it instead. LOL
I'm adding to my list of things I have misplaced at home. A few months ago I lost a Bluetooth headset. Never have found that and had to accept the wasted money.

Now, I can't find my iPod, which I typically use regularly for podcasts, etc. I remember (I think!) syncing it just a few days ago and carrying it out of my home office. From there, I don't know where I set it down.

Does this ever happen to you? It is frustrating to know something is somewhere in the house but you can't remember where you laid it. So here are some tips that I need to apply and will hopefully help you, too.

Fight distraction. I'm a multi-tasker by nature, but the older I get the more I think I get absent minded partly because there is too much in my head. It may seem silly to concentrate on where you lay something down, but it will help you later when you are looking for it!

Limit locations. Re-train yourself to only lay certain types of items (i.e. keys, technology, etc.) in certain locations at home. For example, have one key hook and never put your keys down anywhere else. Have only 2-3 "acceptable" places for cell phones, iPods, laptops, etc and always return them to one of those three places.

Store logically. Though it's tempting to throw things on the bed or the kitchen table to deal with later, instead think of logical spots for things. Can you hang a hook by the door for keys? Have a charging station for cell phones? Think it through and put things in their home.

Fully unpack when you come in the house. This makes a BIG difference. My tendency is to lay down my bag on the kitchen table, etc and move on to any of a number of other needs. But I am revamping my thinking to not consider my errands finished until I unpack the collections of the day. More on this in next week's post!

Update: my husband found my iPod on the floor (dark tile) under a chair where it must have fallen but the ideas above still apply.


Friday Fun

Funny Pictures

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You ARE Creative

"I'm not creative."
That's not true.
You are created in His image,
That makes a creative You.

For if He is a creator,
He instilled in us a way
To create a gift of praise
To share with Him today.

You may do it through a song,
A painting, prayer, or deed.
You may create a solution,
Or meet somebody's need.

You may create a friendship,
a new way to cook a food,
A helpful policy at work,
Or lift somebody's mood.

Don't ever underestimate
Your creativity.
There's many ways it shows..
Open your eyes to see.

by Beth Beutler


Lying Around by Brenda Covert

There’s no time to lie down on the job when you have to guard against misusing the words “lay” and “lie.” Lay is a verb meaning “to set down” or “to place.” It takes a direct object. You will lay the report on the pastor’s desk. Your director lays a stack of files in your inbox. The intern mistakenly laid her timecard on the to-be-shredded pile.

To lie is to recline (or tell a falsehood). “Lie” never takes an object. I lie down. She lies on the beach. We don’t lay ourselves down—except in the past tense. The past tense of telling a falsehood is “lied.” The past tense of reclining is “lay.” It would be wrong to say, Yesterday I lied on the couch, unless you’re admitting to telling a whopper. The correct statement is, Yesterday I lay on the couch. I’m going to lie there again.

Chickens lay eggs. People don’t. May your fears be laid to rest as you file this tip away!


You are an Original!

You are an original. Never think you are not special. You are made in the image of God. With His help, you can become more and more like Christ. Yes, there is alway ways we can improve, and we needn't wallow in false insecurity nor be pumped up with pride. Simply trust in God's gift of Jesus, and allow Him to live through you. Lean into what He is doing in your life to mold you more and more into His image, reflecting Him in the midst of the originality with which He created you!


Record a Message to Yourself

If you use a smart phone, an app such as Voca Note allows you to record and send an email to yourself as a reminder. Sometimes ideas or tasks will come to mind when you are not at a place to write them down. You can press a button and record your message and it will be waiting in your email box when you need it. (Caution: be careful about using your phone when driving. This is best when you are parked or stopped!)


We Will Never Forget

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