
Saturday Spotlight: Relational Assumptions

This is a reprint from our Teambuilding Strategy blog.

"Oh, it will be fine. She won't mind." Have you ever said that? Have you assumed that a friend would, for example, welcome another person to come along for lunch? That a coworker doesn't mind when you run ten minutes late regularly? Think again.

You have unique relationships with every individual in your life. You are close to some friends and co-workers, pleasant with others, and perhaps even at odds with others. Some of the challenges that can occur in relationships (at home, work and in the community) happen when assumptions are made. So keep the following in mind as you relate with others.

How would you describe this person’s personality? Some people have a "the more the merrier" attitude about life and it may be safe to assume they don't mind others joining in the fun. Try not to assume their willingness every time you make plans though. Other personalities are thrown off when plans are changed or unexpected guests arrive.

Have I been listening to them? Sometimes we get to know people well enough that we start tuning out their thoughts and feelings, thinking we already know how they will respond. However, they may be changing as they grow or face different circumstances. So always listen attentively.

Am I asking questions? Rather than assume, as in our example, that is okay to invite others to an activity to which you have been invited, why not just ask? "Would you mind if others joined us?" can help avoid assumptions and hard feelings.

Am I being flexible? Take a look at your own personality and tendencies. Do you want things a certain way and feel out of sorts when it doesn't go your way? We feel more strongly about certain things than we admit sometimes. I have had that happen. Often, there is no need to strongly react. If I do, and examine my heart, it may be from a place of pride or fear.

Avoiding assumptions goes a long way toward protecting relationships. Even if someone's behavior is predictable, never assume something more isn't going on in their lives. It is better to ask questions and communicate rather than make assumptions, even with people you know well.


Friday Fun

Cute video of a couple of dogs trying to jump a fence.

More Funny Videos

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Shopping for a Wardrobe?

Shopping for a wardrobe? The Consumer Credit Counseling Agency suggests a wardrobe budget should be no more than four percent of income. Shopping wisely allows you to do even better than that. (GH)

For tips on style, follow @mzsavvystyle on Twitter or visit her page here.


Building Church Leaders

Buildingchurchleaders.com offers many helpful resources that can be used by ministry office professionals. Take a few minutes to check it out. Very nice. (GH)


Not Trying: Committed

Use the word "committed" rather than "trying." (Remember the post about Training or Trying?)

Example: "I am committed to getting out of debt" rather than "I'm trying to get out of debt."

There's a mental shift that occurs when using a stronger word.


A Few Biblical Terms

Here are a few biblical terms, just for your learning pleasure!

Torah - the first five books of the Bible, considered to be authored by Moses

Commentary - a series of explanations or interpretations of Scripture, often used to prepare sermons or Bible studies.

Alpha and Omega: Referring to the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, these can also picture God as the "first and the last, the beginning and the end."

Handbreadth - a measurement used in the Bible, using four fingers as the approximate measure.

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary

What terms have you wondered about?
