
The future...

Dear readers and subscribers,

Thank you very much for choosing to subscribe to this blog. I hope the tips have been helpful and encouraging in your journey of staying close to God and doing life well. I want to extend special appreciation to Gayle Hilligoss, who has provided many of the tips that have appeared here.

The time has come for a change, however, and I wanted to share a few details.

I, and H.O.P.E. Unlimited are entering a new season where the focus will be:

  • Break Time Bible studies (one live, and others through email) and continued content on the BTBS blog.
  • Serving of our monthly supporters, known as Gold Members 
  • Launch of Organizing from the Heart in paperback and marketing/promoting of the book to individuals and groups who want to grow in this area.
  • Development/maintaining of complementary resources to OFH, offered primarily through our blog.
  • Local client work in marketing/communications which includes writing, social media, event planning, strategic planning, and client appreciation for professional firms.
As I consider the demands of the above responsibilities, along with some personal growth and change, I have decided that I have to be wise about what I keep on my plate. 

I used to keep four blogs up in addition to other work, but I am finding that it is time to prune and consolidate, at least for a season. Therefore, I am discontinuing adding new content to this blog for an extended time. 

In future months I'll be updating and polishing a central presence for people to find and connect with me. Even now, you can visit BethBeutler.com to subscribe to my email list (used primarily for announcements), connect on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn, or access my You Tube page. There, you'll also find information about my availability as a speaker. I offer several topics related to staying close to God and doing life well. I'm also available to professional firms for consultation in the areas of team building, communications, event planning, writing, and marketing. Please do visit that site!

Thank you for your continued interest and I "HOPE" we will remain connected so I can continue to serve you for a long time to come! 

Stay Close to God...do Life Well!

Beth Beutler